Texas Lobbyist News: Texas Department of Motor Vehicles has been given the Smart Solution Spotlight Award for Permitting and Routing Oversized and Overweight Trucks.
The following is a digest of a public release by the Texas DMV. The Texas Lobby Group is making posting this digest as a public service for Texas lobbyists, Texas Government consultants, Texas political activists, and other interested parties.
As of September 5th, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and the Texas Department of Transportation have been awarded with the “Smart Solution Spotlight” award. This is issued by The Intelligent Transportation Society of America, in awarding innovative and efficient technology that improves conditions in fields related to driving and motorists. The ITS promotes the creation of safer, cleaner, and more efficient products and systems that allow for a better experience in regards to driving, individually and institutionally. Specifically, the ITS is giving this award because of a new web-centered tool called TxPROS that helps drivers to self-issue permits and and the proper routes they should follow in order to move oversize loads on state highways.
Vehicles, usually trucks, that are moving oversize and/or overweight loads are required to have a permit on hand. This is in part due to the fact that there are certain overpasses or bridges that might be too low for the load. It can also be state required that certain routes be taken or avoided. All of this information has been compiled for drivers using this online service, and this takes a hefty load of of the DMV and TDT’s customer service representatives. The DMV is well known for being a fairly busy place, and to put service into the hands of those using it frees up time and gives people the option to apply for a permit. It also plausibly allows for road options, when available, and better route planning for the driver.
This system is the first of it’s kind in America, and it is has been so effective in use that currently well over half of all drivers are using it, since it’s development and release in 2011. TxPROS could possibly be the first in a series of self service conversions in various state DMV’s. A recent survey reports that about 96% of all customers are satisfied with TxPROS. “TxPROS perfects the use of the latest in database and Web technology, GIS data and real-time information to totally streamline a manual process that was labor intensive and not very cost effective,” said Scott Belcher, ITS America’s president and CEO. “This investment in technology is already yielding remarkable results for the state and its customers—we hope to see it replicated throughout the country.”