HB 1 Conference Committee. On Thursday, the House refused to concur on Senate amendments to HB 1, the general appropriations bill, and named its conferees to negotiate with the Senate:
- John Zerwas (R-Richmond) – Chair
- Greg Bonnen (R-Friendswood)
- Sarah Davis (R-Houston)
- Oscar Longoria (D-Mission)
- Armando Walle (D-Houston)
Sales Tax Proposal. On Wednesday, Governor Greg Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, and Speaker of the House Dennis Bonnen announced their support for a proposal to increase the state sales tax in exchange for lower property taxes. The proposal would raise the state’s sales tax from 6.25% to 7.25%, providing another source of revenue to help reduce pressure on local school property taxes. The plan would also require a constitutional amendment, meaning that to be approved it would need the support of two-thirds of the House and Senate before heading to a public vote on the November ballot.
Senate Approves Employee Leave Regulations. On Thursday, the Senate passed SB 2485 and SB 2487, both authored by Sen. Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe), setting statewide rules for employer-provided sick leave and certain benefits package. The proposals are “single-shot” bills aimed at accomplishing specific slices of SB 15, the Senate’s original plan to address employment rules that Sen. Creighton called “a piecemeal patchwork” across the state that ultimately hurts businesses. Both measures passed on party-line votes.
Upcoming dates of interest.
- Monday, May 6: Last day for house committees to report house bills and house joint resolutions.
- Friday, May 10: Last day for the House to consider consent house bills on 2nd or 3rd reading and all 3rd reading house bills or house joint resolutions on the supplemental calendar.
- Friday, May 17: Last day for the House to consider local house bills on 2nd and 3rd reading, and the first day the Senate can consider bills and resolutions the first day they are posted.
- Saturday, May 18: Last day for house committees to report senate bills and joint resolutions.
- Tuesday, May 21: Last day for the House to consider 2nd reading senate bills and senate joint resolutions on the daily or supplemental calendar.
- Wednesday, May 22: Last day for the House to consider local and consent senate bills on 2nd and 3rd
- Sunday, May 26: Last day for the House and Senate to concur in amendments or adopt conference committee reports.
- Monday, May 27: Last day of 86th Regular Session (sine die).
For more information on the Texas Legislature, visit https://capitol.texas.gov/